Wednesday, January 11, 2012

22 Weeks Out ... Progress Pics!

Happy hump day!

Hope all you Brisvegas peeps are surviving this heat wave. 37 Degrees (98 F) and 10000000% humidity is not my idea of fun. Don't get me wrong, I love the heat over the cold anyday but when your make-up drips off your face the moment you walk outside, it is not cool. Duh.

Humidity aside, my week has been full of excitement ... though with some types of excitement, I swear more than usual.


Power Session: Awesome. New PB for deadlifts is 90lbs/40.9kg (plus Olympic Bar) for 5 reps. I started with 50lbs/22.7kg 4 weeks ago so I'm very happy with my progress so far. I'm still having issues with a very tight lower back so I'm really focusing on proper technique!

That afternoon I received my Booklist for Uni, Semester One. Grand total $523.60. OMFG. And that's only for ONE subject! Thank god I get to re-use a textbook from last year for my other subject ... This is an example of swearing excitement.

That evening as i was chilling out on the lounge watching some TV, I had another moment of swearing excitement. There was this massive crash and I thought Steve, my neighbour, had fallen through the ceiling. WTF! The wires on my wall mirror had snapped causing it to come crashing down to the floor.

Thank god I now have a hot black shaggy rug below it otherwise there would have been glass everywhere! ... On a positive note, I finally get to replace the mirror glass with 'skinny mirror glass'. FYI (and only a girl would understand!), I bought the mirror because I love the frame. The mirror itself is one where you avoid looking at because it makes you look like you have put on 5kg... of pudginess muscle.


I did an 8km run/walk. Note: There wasn't suppose to be walking of any sort during this session, so I won't even bother posting my time. Silly me slept in (till 6am) and didn't make it out the front door until 7am - 28 degrees (82 F). And then i had some dumb bright idea of taking the mountain hilly route. I lasted about 5km before contemplating whether or not I should jump in the creek. FYI, I didn't. I do have standards. It was soooooo hot, and i was totally overheating so I ended up dragging myself walking the last 3km home. Not fun at all.


Had another killer BodySlam class - a lot of boxing, abs, squats and walking lunges.

I was on such a high after the class that I decided to take some Progress Pics - 22 weeks out from Comp

Shoulders are beginning to pop, 'sexy six-pack' will be the LAST to show

Pull Ups are improving my V taper and I've been squatting my way to a 'perkier arse'!

Umm the 'show some leg' pose?  I really have no fuckin clue what I was doing lol