Monday, January 18, 2010

The numbers game...Week 3 OSB!

So today is monday and that means dooms day WEIGH IN DAY! Yes it is Week 3 of Operation Sexy Bitch, so here are the reuslts:

18/4                                  11/1               4/1
Weight:      66.8kg          (66.6kg)         (66.9kg)
Body Fat:   23.6%          (23.6%)          (23.6%)
Body Fat:   15.7kg          (15.7kg)         (15.7kg)

My initial reaction was WTF! An increase in 200g! But as you can see at least my body fat has stayed the same (thank god!), which means i have regained 200g of muscle baby. Even my GA told me on saturday that my back was responding very fast to training, good old muscle memory. But still i need to remain calm and remember all my words of wisdom from my previous few blogs about not letting the scales do my head in! ARGH!

So yeah, not the results i was expecting... i'm on a mission to shed fat, but i know putting on a little bit of muscle can only be a good thing. Muscle burns fat yeah?

So i now ask myself why no deficit???

Nutrition last week was pretty good, but it looks like i may need to tighten up my portion sizes. Steph just suggested to me about using Calorie King. Sometimes when you see the macro breakdown on paper you will realise what areas you need to improve on. It is too easy to sneak in extra calories from dressings, oils, nuts into your meals if you are not aware of the numbers....Just a bit more cant hurt?! Yeah right!

On that note I did have 3 scheduled 'treat/off plan meals' last week. I was on catering duties for our montly sales meeting last friday, but i did the right thing (by me!) and got healthy food from this amazing Organic Cafe + Health Food shop called Planet Matterz in Morningside. For any of you living here in stinking hot Brisvegas (seriously this humidity is getting a little disgusting lol), go check it out sometime. They have the most delicious foods. I bought us a Beetroot Salad, Roast pumkin/date/pinenut/feta salad, Brocolli + Almond Salad, Curried Egg Salad, Gluten Free Bacon+ Spinach Fritata, Sliced chicken and smoked salmon. There was enough left over for my dinner and lunch the next day hence the 'treat' meals. Oh and i know i did let crunchy PB (1 tbsp) sneak in after dinner on 4 occasions too... but no junk entered my mouth and no binging either =).

Off the topic, I had a wicked time saturday night- totally in control too. My ex-roomie Loz, had her engagement party down the coast - i ate fish and green beans in the car whilst en route- and didnt touch any tappas or alcohol. I stayed till 9pm and raced back up to the Valley as i had my friends Mel's 25th- no alcohol passed my lips either. We went to the Press Club, Cloudland and Zuri Bar. They were playing Latino house and the bongo player was brilliant- rocked the dancefloor once again!

So back to creating a deficit- i'm thinking its time to shock my body in regards to my training. As you all know its been like 3months (maybe more) since i've done any real cardio. Yeah i do quite a bit of walking, but sometimes i think that is just good for keep the cardiovascular system healthy. I'm no power walker- i reckon i hit the streets at an equivalent of 5.5 kph for 45mins most days- so definitely not ultra fast. I am also aware that the body adapts very fast to cardio. I.e  you do the same aerobic activity day in day out at the same intensity, and  before you know it your body adapts to it meaning that you burn a lot less calories hence your results begin to slow down. What got me thinking was this brilliant post from Miss Kelly O ( i love this girls' blog) this morning- perfect timing babe! It was this sentence caught my attention:

 "Getting into optimal shape is a tonne of hard work, for everyone, regardless of age, celebrity, money or metabolism".

Yes i do train hard in regards to weight training. I superset, i dont chat, my rest intervals are pretty much walking time to the next machine, i do a shit load of volume, and i do train heavy ( well not atm lol). I like to train like an ANIMAL. But cardio is definitely a different story for me. For the most part of last year i just walked. Walk, walk, walk, walk. This year i do wanna be fit as too. I am thinking intervals are the way to go- e.g 2:1 min run/walk on the tready for 15-20mins after weights and/or perhaps some tready sprints between sets. So i welcome all sorts of feedback of what works for you, so comment as you please!

I love to run, i love to box, i love doing those damn stairs at KP, i love that feeling when my heart is about to explode, the burn of lactic acid in my legs and i love being in the zone too. You know that feeling when you take your mind to another place and nothing else in the world matters? Thats where i wanna be. I am not competing this year, but i do wanna be in wicked shape so that i look like i could be! I wanna enjoy my training, enjoy my nutrition plan (within the realms of a healthy calorie restriction!) and most importantly enjoy what that combination is doing to my body...sexing it up! Thats right... i wanna look smokin hot!.. I do feel sexy, i just wanna look the part too... just like my fitness idol Miss JNL! Yeow!


  1. That is great that you have gained back more muscle Chelle. I love the way you are viewing the weight son the scales. I am going to do the same. Just think, the more muscle you have, the more fat we can eventually burn!! Yay.

    Keep up the fantastic training.

  2. Work that cardio girl! I'm ALL ABOUT CARDIO for a while....and I was soooo neglecting it for ages. Now that I've been back at it- even at 75% of what I'd say a perfect cardio week is- I'm losing fat like never before. It IS the key I believe for most of us. ;-) WOOT!!!

  3. Thanks bec... the numbers still play havoc with my head at times though!!!! So i'm just trying to focus on small positive changes each day. Baby steps =)

    I've decided to throw in a spin class once a week Kelly (after PT core sess on saturday mornings!), now thats gonna get my heart pumping outta my chest! Just curious, for you how much cardio is in perfect cardio week? =)

  4. Hey Girl- for me, I'm in a MAJOR fat-loss mode at the moment, so I am doing 6 days of cardio a week- or this is what I am shooting for, with 3-4 days of weights, one day of yoga. When I'm closer to my fat loss goal, I'll cut back on the cardio. The more reading I've done- my observation is that most lean people though do a minimum of 4 days of cardio a week.

  5. I think you are onto something Kelly. I was chatting with my bff (check out pic from October: Beautiful 24/7: My Inspiration post), the other day about staying lean. And she said that besides clean food and weight training, the secret to staying lean year round is to 'crush' =) your cardio 5 days a week. High intensity style.....Hmmmm #INSANITY, thinking thinking thinking!
